Moving Up
Guidelines For Player Moving Up To A Higher Division
It is not recommended that a player move up to the next division unless both the coach and parent feel the player has skills that surpass most players their own age.
We want to avoid a player moving up and getting intimidated by playing with older players that may be larger and more experienced. We do not want a player to quit because of that intimidation or to have their normal development hampered because they are afraid to participate
To move up the following conditions need to be met:
1. A parent must request in writing that their child move up. A note on the Registration Form would suffice.
2. The player must be within one year of the minimum age for the requested age group. For example, to move up to U11 for which the minimum age is 8, a U8 player must be 7 years old by the age deadline.
3. An exception to item 2 can be presented to the board for players of exceptional ability. The player’s ability will need to be verified and presented to the board for approval. If the board approves the move up by majority the player moves up. If not the issue is dead.
4. The SSC Board of Directors reserves the right to decline the player’s request to move up based on information provided regarding the players skills.
This would be good for one season only. The process would need to be repeated for each subsequent season that moving up is requested.