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Jewelry Policy

As the safety of our players is our top priority, we want to remind you of an important policy regarding jewelry during practices and games.

ABSOLUTELY NO jewelry of ANY kind is allowed per SAY Soccer and NWISL rules.
This includes the following:

- Earrings (including those with soft backs, covered with band-aids, or wrapped in tape)
- Watches
- Rings
- Necklaces
- Any other forms of jewelry

This rule is in place to ensure the safety of all our players, only exception is medical or religious.  It must be taped against the body to keep others safe.  Please make sure that your child adheres to this policy during both practices and games.

Lightning Policy

Games MUST be stopped, and the fields MUST be cleared if ANY of the following occur:

-        You see any lightning (even if the storm seems to be moving away from you)
-        You hear thunder
-        The lightning detector goes off

If any game has a stoppage while it is in the 2nd half of the game; that game is considered complete and will not be re-played.

If the stoppage occurs in the first half of the game, then the following applies:

-        Fields will be cleared for 30 minutes.  The 30-minute rule applies even if the lightning detector sounds the all clear signal.
-        Each time lightning is seen, or thunder is heard during the 30 minutes, the clock will be re-set for another 30 minutes.
-        If the delay lasts one full hour, the game will be stopped, and can be made up if the coaches can agree on a time and place.

The same times and procedures apply to practices as well.

Lightning/Thunder Policy

This policy is in effect for ALL Instructional and Travel practices and games, as well as all other SSC related outdoor activities.

At the first sound of thunder or the first sign of lightning, all coaches, players, referees, and spectators are to withdraw from the field and seek proper shelter.

In the case of Travel, SSC members should make our visitors aware of our policy and instruct them to seek proper shelter.

No place outside is safe near thunderstorms. The best shelter is a large, fully enclosed, substantially constructed building. A vehicle with a solid metal roof and metal sides is a reasonable second choice.

If there is no proper shelter, avoid the most dangerous locations:
- Higher elevations
- Wide open areas, including fields
- Tall isolated objects, such as trees, poles, or light posts.
- Unprotected open buildings
- Rain shelters
- Bus stops
- Metal fences and metal bleachers

Wait at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder or the last lightning flash before giving the “all clear” signal and resuming normal activity.

If thunder is heard or lightning is seen again within that 30-minute time frame, all activities shall be cancelled for that time frame.

Any new activities that follow shall have to repeat this same policy before starting.

Lightning research has confirmed that consecutive lightning strikes can occur as much as six miles apart. People often do not perceive lightning to be close if it is two miles or more away, but the risk of the next strike being at your location may actually be very high.

Many lightning casualties occur in the beginning as a thunderstorm approaches because people ignore these precursors. When thunderstorms are in the area but not overhead, the lightning threat can exist even if it is sunny at your location.

No Lightning/Thunder Safety Policy can give 100% Guaranteed Total Safety but these steps will help try to avoid casualties by taking evasive action.

Anyone caught not abiding by the Lightning/Thunder Policy shall face disciplinary action or possible expulsion from the Club.

Anyone seen on the fields during this time can be ticketed by the Police!
Schererville Soccer Club will not be held responsible for persons disregarding instructions to exit the fields and seek shelter.


Do not put yourself or anyone else in danger by trying to cheat the Lightning/Thunder Policy.

Photo/Video Release

The Schererville Soccer Club (SSC) and Northwest Indiana Soccer League (NWISL) members of SAY Soccer, take photos/videos of players to capture the fun they have and skills they learn.

By attending or participating in SSC and/or NWISL programs and activities, you grant the approval/right to SSC and/or NWISL or an SSC and/or NWISL approved photographer/videographer to take photos/videos of you, your child/ren and family members in connection with any SSC and/or NWISL event.

Your approval authorizes SSC and/or NWISL, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish (without compensation to you) the same in print and/or electronically and confirms your agreement that SSC and/or NWISL may use such photos/videos with or without names for any lawful purpose including, but not limited to, publicity, advertising, branding, member communications, event promotion, SSC and/or NWISL sponsor marketing initiatives and online/digital content.

Our sincere thanks to all who are featured in our photos/videos to help us promote Your Club and its home!

In-House & Travel

What is In-House and Travel (NWISL)?

The main difference between in-house and travel soccer lies in the level of competition, travel requirements, and the overall structure of the programs:

In-House Soccer
- Level of Competition: In-house soccer is typically less competitive. It's designed for players of all skill levels, focusing on skill development, enjoyment, and learning the basics of the game.

- Travel Requirements: Minimal to no travel is required. All games and practices are held at Stephens Park in Schererville.

- Structure: Teams are usually formed within the local league, and players are often grouped by age or school grade. The emphasis is on participation and fun rather than winning.

- Commitment: Generally, the time commitment is lower compared to travel soccer, making it suitable for families with busy schedules or those new to soccer.

- Coaching: Coaches are volunteers, they are NOT paid.  The focus is on basic skill development and teamwork.

Travel Soccer
- Level of Competition: Travel soccer is more competitive, attracting players who are more serious about the sport and looking to improve their skills at a higher level.

- Travel Requirements: As the name suggests, travel soccer involves traveling to different towns, cities, or even states for games and tournaments. Teams compete against other clubs in a broader geographic area.
- Structure: Teams are often selected based on tryouts, and players are grouped by skill level, age, and sometimes gender. The league structure is more formal, with schedules and rules set by NWISL, not by Schererville Soccer Club . 

- Commitment: The commitment level is higher, with possibly more frequent practices, games, and  tournaments. Players and their families need to be prepared for the time and travel involved.

- Coaching: Coaches in travel soccer are often more experienced. The focus is on advanced skill development, strategy, and preparing players for higher levels of competition.

In summary, in-house soccer is more about local, recreational play with a focus on fun and basic development, while travel soccer is for those looking for more competitive play with a higher commitment to the sport.


Q: How will games work, and where will they be?

A: In-House games will be held in Stephens Park every Saturday unless specified by the club.  Travel games will be held in various places in NWI as dictated by NWISL.

Please Note: U4 does NOT have games only practices on Saturdays at 9am.

Q: When/where are practices?

A: Practices start approximately 1 week before the first game. Practice times and days will be dictated by the Head Coach when THEIR availability allows.  In-House has practices at Stephens Park whereas Travel has them at Rohrman.  Please note that ALL coaches are VOLUNTEERS.  If you would like a specific day and time for practice you MUST sign up to volunteer.  

Q: Where do spectators sit for games?

A: The map of where spectators will sit will be provided on our Facebook page as well as on our website once it is finalized.  Please make sure to contact your coach BEFORE the first game to know where to sit.

Q: What size ball does my child need?

A: U4, U6 and U8: Size 3,   U10-12: Size 4,   U14 and U19: Size 5

Q: What gear does my child need?

A: The Registration fee includes  player’s game jersey, socks and shorts. The player is responsible for a ball (see sizing above), soccer cleats (NO FRONT CLEAT), and shin guards (must be worn under socks). If a player does not have socks covering shin guards completely, they cannot play. Always send your child to practice and games with plenty of water to drink.

As the safety of our players is our top priority, we want to remind you of an important policy regarding jewelry during practices and games.

ABSOLUTELY NO jewelry of ANY kind is allowed per SAY Soccer and NWISL rules.
This includes the following:

- Earrings (including those with soft backs, covered with band-aids, or wrapped in tape)
- Watches
- Rings
- Necklaces
- Any other forms of jewelry

This rule is in place to ensure the safety of all our players, and we cannot make any exceptions. Please make sure that your child adheres to this policy during both practices and games.

Q: When does the season start and end?

A: Spring season begins in March and ends in May,  the fall season begins in August and ends in October lasting 9 weeks.

Q: What age group/division will my player be placed?

A: Please refer to our AGE MATRIX to determine where your player will be placed.

Q: What if my child has other sports and commitments and may miss a lot?

A: We are focusing on small-sided games, which means teams will be much smaller to be able to provide more ball touches for each player. So if your player is planning on missing a lot, we do not recommend this because it affects the whole team. It will leave their teammates short and jeopardize their ability to even be able to play their game if they don’t have enough players. When you sign up your child, you are committing to your team to make every effort possible to be a reliable teammate. We understand illness and special circumstances happen, but repeated or unreliable attendance issues will be kept in consideration for the following season.

Q: How much is the Registration fee?

A: The registration fee is being updated for spring 2025. 

Q: What if I ordered the wrong size jersey, wanted to change something on it, or lost it? 

A: All single order jerseys or late orders after our bulk order have fees we cannot accommodate. If you need a new jersey, please contact the board, and we will provide you with the store information so you can order and purchase a new one on your own.

Q: Can I register if I don't live in Schererville? 

A: Yes! Anyone can register. The Schererville Soccer Club does not have any residency restrictions or out-of-district fees.

Q: If I have a special request, where do I notify the club about it? 

A: When registering your child, you can type this in the boxes that ask questions such as allergies or medical conditions. Due to the overwhelming number of requests and to appropriately place players where they will thrive, we are no longer taking requests on teams, coaches, practice dates, etc. Requests for siblings living in the same household who are in the same age and gender divisions will be accommodated. You may email the club with any special conditions or situations; however, this does not guarantee accommodation. Requests to be on a friend's team, carpooling, and convenience are not considered special conditions.

Please Note: If you're unable to fully commit to bringing your player to practices and games without choosing the specific times and dates, please DO NOT register your player.
NO refunds will be issued once jerseys are ordered.

Q: I missed the registration deadline, can you make an exception? 

A: Unfortunately, no. The preparation and process is lengthy, and we have strict deadlines to meet. Our club is a non-profit organization run by VOLUNTEER board members and needs time to complete all the background work before the season begins. We will advertise extensively, so keep an eye on our Facebook page and website!

Q: What is the refund policy?

A: There are no refunds after registration closes. If you need a refund before it closes, there will be a $10 processing fee. No exceptions!

Q: The site says there are no available programs for my child, what do I do now? 

A: This means that registration has closed or that your son/daughter is not eligible to participate based on birth date or gender requirements set by the organization. This can also happen if your cart has a program in it from a previous attempt. You can look at your account page and check your cart to see if there are any items in it. *Please Note: Sometimes this will happen if the child's birth date is set incorrectly. 

Q: How do I register my player for Schererville Soccer Club? 

A: Schererville Soccer Club registration is completed through an online registration process where you must create an account.

Q: How much time is involved with volunteering? 

A: The time commitment related to volunteering for our club is entirely up to you and the tasks you take on. Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches are always needed. You do not need experience in coaching, as we have resources to help teach you. This type of volunteering would require a few hours each week during the normal soccer season. However, volunteering to serve on our board can require several hours each week, even during the off-season.

Q: How do I sign up to coach a team? 

A: Register as a volunteer.  Schererville Soccer Club is always in need of both head and assistant coaches. Our club is run by volunteers! Coaching is a rewarding and positive experience. The goal is to create lasting memories with your child!

*Everyone is a VOLUNTEER and does not get paid for putting in many hours behind the scenes to keep this organization operating so your child can play soccer. If you have questions, suggestions, or are interested in getting involved with the club, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are all parents just trying to help our kids play soccer!

Q: Where are Board Meetings held?

A: Schererville Soccer Club Board meetings are open to any parent/guardian with a child in SSC.  We encourage parents/guardians to attend!  They are held every   SECOND Wednesday of the month at Crossroads Community Church in Schererville at 7:30pm (location and times may change, we will notify parents/guardians through email if so).

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