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Weather Policy

Games MUST be stopped, and the fields MUST be cleared if ANY of the following occur:

-        You see any lightning (even if the storm seems to be moving away from you)
-        You hear thunder
-        The lightning detector goes off

If any game has a stoppage while it is in the 2nd half of the game; that game is considered complete and will not be re-played.

If the stoppage occurs in the first half of the game, then the following applies:

-        Fields will be cleared for 30 minutes.  The 30-minute rule applies even if the lightning detector sounds the all clear signal.
-        Each time lightning is seen, or thunder is heard during the 30 minutes, the clock will be re-set for another 30 minutes.
-        If the delay lasts one full hour, the game will be stopped, and can be made up if the coaches can agree on a time and place.

The same times and procedures apply to practices as well.

Lightning/Thunder Policy

This policy is in effect for ALL Instructional and Travel practices and games, as well as all other SSC related outdoor activities.

At the first sound of thunder or the first sign of lightning, all coaches, players, referees, and spectators are to withdraw from the field and seek proper shelter.

In the case of Travel, SSC members should make our visitors aware of our policy and instruct them to seek proper shelter.

No place outside is safe near thunderstorms. The best shelter is a large, fully enclosed, substantially constructed building. A vehicle with a solid metal roof and metal sides is a reasonable second choice.

If there is no proper shelter, avoid the most dangerous locations:
- Higher elevations
- Wide open areas, including fields
- Tall isolated objects, such as trees, poles, or light posts.
- Unprotected open buildings
- Rain shelters
- Bus stops
- Metal fences and metal bleachers

Wait at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder or the last lightning flash before giving the “all clear” signal and resuming normal activity.

If thunder is heard or lightning is seen again within that 30-minute time frame, all activities shall be cancelled for that time frame.

Any new activities that follow shall have to repeat this same policy before starting.

Lightning research has confirmed that consecutive lightning strikes can occur as much as six miles apart. People often do not perceive lightning to be close if it is two miles or more away, but the risk of the next strike being at your location may actually be very high.

Many lightning casualties occur in the beginning as a thunderstorm approaches because people ignore these precursors. When thunderstorms are in the area but not overhead, the lightning threat can exist even if it is sunny at your location.

No Lightning/Thunder Safety Policy can give 100% Guaranteed Total Safety but these steps will help try to avoid casualties by taking evasive action.

Anyone caught not abiding by the Lightning/Thunder Policy shall face disciplinary action or possible expulsion from the Club.

Anyone seen on the fields during this time can be ticketed by the Police!
Schererville Soccer Club will not be held responsible for persons disregarding instructions to exit the fields and seek shelter.


Do not put yourself or anyone else in danger by trying to cheat the Lightning/Thunder Policy.

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