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Volunteer Code of Conduct



14.1 Code of Ethics for Coaches

A specific code of ethics has been developed and formally adopted as a part of the Bylaws of the Club to clearly communicate the Club's strict requirement that the conduct and demeanor of all coaches, assistant coaches, and others involved in any way with the supervision or administration of players always reflects courtesy, good sportsmanship, and professionalism as well as ethical and moral behavior. Violation of any aspect of this code will be subject to the disciplinary procedures established by the Club up to and including the separation of coaching and Club membership privileges.

14.1.1 Responsibility to Players

A. The Coach must never place the value of winning over the safety and welfare of players. Winning should only be promoted as a result of preparation and teamwork not as an individual achievement or an end in itself.

B. Coaches shall instruct and ensure that players play according to the philosophies of the Club and within the written laws and spirit of the game at all times.

C. Coaches shall never seek unfair advantage by failing to allow every player to participate in at least one-half of each game, by substituting un-registered players, or by allowing unsportsmanlike behavior in any form.

D. Coaches must take proactive corrective action at any time when they observe any form of inappropriate behavior from any player, parent, spectator, or other party to any Club game or practice.

E. Coaches must always direct players to seek proper medical attention for injuries and to follow the physician's instructions regarding treatment and recovery. At no time should a player be put at risk by returning from injury prematurely or by being forced to play while injured.

14.1.2 Responsibility to the Club

A. Adherence to all Club rules and policies as well as the Soccer Association for Youth, the U.S. Youth Soccer Association, and the Northwest Indiana Soccer Association, especially those regarding eligibility, team formation, and player participation may never be violated. It is the responsibility of every coach to know and understand these rules.

B. Player development and the improvement of the player through coaching and participation is essential to the growth of the sport. The coach must always behave in such a manner that the principles, integrity, and dignity of the sport are maintained.

C. Any problems that cannot be resolved between coaches, assistant coaches, members, or other individuals as regards matters of the Club must be referred to the Commissioner or other member of the Board of Directors as soon as possible and must never interfere with any Club activities or in any way be conducted in a manner that is not in keeping with the express philosophies and purposes of the Club.

14.1.3 Responsibility to the Laws of the Game

A. Coaches should be knowledgeable with the laws of the game of soccer. Coaches are also responsible to ensure that their players understand the intent as well as the application of the rules.

B. Coaches must always adhere to the letter and spirit of the laws of the game.

C. Coaches are responsible for their player's actions on the field and must not permit to violate this Code of Ethics or the philosophies of this Club.

D. The coach must strive constantly to teach good sporting behavior.

14.1.4 Responsibility to Officials

A. Officials must always have the support of coaches, players, members, and spectators. Criticism of officials undermines the purpose of the game. Coaches must always refrain from and encourage all others to refrain from criticizing officials in the presence of players.

B. Coaches should strive to develop communication with officials giving each party an opportunity to better understand the problems relating to their specific area and provide an example to players of the benefits of mutual cooperation.

C. On game day, officials should be treated with respect before, during, and after the game. Officials should be addressed politely and courteously. Professional respect should be mutual and there should be no demeaning dialogue or gesture between official, coach, member, or player. Coaches may never incite players or spectators or attempt to disrupt the flow of play.

D. Constructive comments or appropriate feedback regarding any official should be made in writing and submitted to the respective Age Commissioner or the Director of Referees.

14.1.5 Game Day and Other Responsibilities

A. A coach's behavior must be such as to bring credit to him/herself, the team, our Club, and the sport of soccer. This is never more evident than on the day of the contest.

B. Rival coaches should meet prior to the game and exchange friendly or professional greetings. While the concept of competition is recognized, it cannot take precedence over exemplary professional conduct.

C. During play, coaches have a responsibility to be as inconspicuous as possible. Coaches shall exhibit a respectful attitude towards all players. The coach must confine him/herself to an area not closer than ten feet to the mid-point of the playing field nor closer than twenty feet to the end line. The attitude of the coach towards officials, spectators, members, and all players should be controlled and undemonstrative.

D. It shall be unethical and subject to discipline for a coach to have a verbal altercation with an opposing coach, bench, official, or player during the game. Physical contact in any form is considered highly unethical and subject to the disciplinary processes of the Club.

E. Coaches shall cooperate with Commissioners to provide for the adequate preparation and maintenance of all fields and playing surfaces as assigned or requested.

14.2 Code of Ethics for Parents/Guardians

Parents/Guardians should understand that the main objective of our Club is to provide an atmosphere of safe, recreational fun that includes the proper examples for our children. The spirit of the game must
always reflect good sportsmanship. Coaches, referees, and parents/guardians have a tremendous responsibility to promote this spirit at games and the cooperation of all participants and spectators is vital.

14.2.1 Game Day and Other Responsibilities

A. All spectators will recognize the authority of the referees, coaches, and assistant coaches in maintaining the spirit of the game on the field of play prior to, during, and immediately following a game.

B. Parents/guardians watching on the sideline should sit quietly on the side and not raise their voices in anything but positive encouragement.

C. Foul or abusive language as well as derogatory acts and comments that are directed towards the referee, coaches, players, or any other spectator/s will not be tolerated.

D. Parents/Guardians/Spectators will not argue or dissent with referee decisions. Furthermore they will not make statements or engage in other actions that could incite others.

E. All non-playing participants to any soccer game shall remain at least five feet back from the touchline and no closer than 10 yards to either goal line.

F. The referee, coach, or any Board Member has the authority to dismiss from the field of play anyone, including spectators, parents, or guardians, who do not adhere to these rules or other reasonable expectations of good behavior.
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