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SSC Bylaws

SSC Bylaws


The name of the organization is Schererville Soccer Club Incorporated (hereinafter referred to as the Club.)


The purpose of the Schererville Soccer Club Incorporated is to provide a quality soccer program for the benefit of the boys and girls of the Town of Schererville and immediate surrounding communities of Lake County, Indiana that will promote the growth of, and appreciation for, the game of soccer.

It is the goal of the Club to provide an opportunity to youth of all skills and abilities beginning at the age of 4 with the opportunity to learn the Laws of the Game and to participate in an organized program of soccer training and recreation.

The Club intends to achieve these purposes by developing and encouraging a philosophy and practice of good sportsmanship among its members and players through the appropriate assistance, instruction, and training of soccer players, coaches, and referees in the development and improvement of their capabilities.


The principal office of the Club shall be located in the Town of Schererville, Lake County, Indiana.


The Club shall have no seal. However, the Club may use a logo to uniquely identify the Club in correspondence, advertising and promotion, and on uniforms.


5.1 Fiscal Year.
The fiscal year of the Club shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st of each year.

5.2 Organization Year.
Seasons shall consist of both a "Fall" and "Spring" Soccer Season beginning any time after July 31st, and March 31st respectively, or as established by the Board of Directors.


6.1 Definition
Members are defined as any parent or legal guardian who has a child registered in this soccer program, and any coach, assistant coach, or board member regardless of whether they have a child in this program.

6.2 Adherence to Standards
Each member of the Club will be required to adhere to the Constitution, Bylaws, and philosophies of the Club in order to remain a voting member in good standing.

6.3 Voting Rights
The privilege of any member in good standing is the entitlement of one vote in the election of the board of directors of this Club.

6.4 Discipline
The Club has established certain disciplinary procedures and rights in the execution and governance of all Club affairs. It is recognized that the Club is granted full authority to administer such disciplinary procedures whenever it is deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors to maintain the goals and objectives of the Club and to change or revise Club's policy of discipline and due process as the Board of Directors may cause to happen. Any such disciplinary proceedings will be subject to due process, the By-Laws of the Club, or any other resolution approved by the Club. Said policy of discipline and due process is incorporated as a part of the By-Laws of the Club as recognized by attachment "A".


7.1 Place of Meetings.
All meetings of members of the Club shall be held at such a place, within or outside the Town of Schererville, Lake County, Indiana, as may be specified in respective notices or Waivers of Notice of such meetings, or proxies to represent members thereat.

7.2 Annual Meeting.
An annual meeting of the members of the Club shall be held on the second Wednesday of June, of each year. At such annual meeting, the members shall elect a Board of Directors and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Failure to hold the annual meeting at the designated time shall not cause any forfeiture or any dissolution or termination of the Club.

7.3 Regular Meetings.
The President or a majority of the Board of Directors may, by resolution, fix the time and place of regular meetings without other notice than such resolution.

7.4 Special Meetings.
Special meetings of the members may be called by or at the request of the President of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors, or by the members of record of not less than 25% of all the members entitled by the Constitution to vote on the business purposed to be transacted at the meeting at any reasonable and convenient time and place.

7.4.1 Notice and Purpose of Meeting.
Any special meeting shall require ten (10) days minimum notice whether given by written notice delivered personally or mailed to each member of record entitled to vote at the meeting at his or her business or resident address, by U.S. Mail service, bonded courier, electronic mail, or by telephone or by public notice published in the local newspaper. Any member may waive notice of any meeting which shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting. A notice of a special meeting shall also state briefly the purpose or purposes of such meeting, and only the matters so referenced in the notice shall be considered at such meeting except with the consent of all members present.

7.5 Voting at Meetings.
All votes conducted at any Club meeting shall be a matter of public record.

7.5.1 Voting at Elections
Each member of the Club shall have the right to one vote in the election of officers and of the election of the Board of Director's for the Club.

7.5.2 All Other Voting
Except for the election of officers and the election of the Board of Director's all voting will be restricted to the then current Board of Directors who will each have one vote upon all matters submitted to the vote of the Club.

7.6 Proxy.
Members of the Club must be present in person to participate in the election of officers and the election of the Board of Directors. Directors of the Board may vote either in person or by proxy executed in writing by the member or a duly authorized attorney in fact. No proxy shall be valid after 11 months from the date of its execution.

7.7 Quorum.
At any meeting of the members, a majority of the Board of Directors, represented in person or by proxy, at that meeting shall constitute a quorum of the Club.

7.8 Parliamentary Authority.

7.8.1 Meeting Chairperson
The President of the Board of Directors, and in his absence the Vice-President, and in their absence the Secretary, and in their absence any member chosen by the members present, shall act as Chairperson of the meetings of the members.

7.8.2 Secretary
The Secretary, and in the Secretary's absence a member appointed by the Chairperson of the meeting, shall act as Secretary of meetings of the members.

7.8.3 "Robert's Rules of Order" Shall Apply
All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with "Robert's Rules of Order" as revised and published by Dr. Darwin Patnode and as copyrighted by the Berkley Publishing Group of New York in 1989.

7.9 Majority Vote Required.
The vote of the majority of those voting members present at any meeting shall be required for any action or resolution of the Board of Directors unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws or Constitution.

7.10 Meetings May Be Attended by Electronic Voice Communication
Any meeting of the Club may be attended by directors by means of any form of electronic voice communication, provided that all Directors can simultaneously hear the proceedings and be heard by all the other Directors in attendance at the meeting. A quorum for any meeting so held shall be computed on the basis of all persons in voice contact with each other. Any meeting so held shall be a formal meeting of the Club for all purposes, and any business may be transacted at such meeting that could be transacted if the Directors were assembled in physical proximity to each other.


The business of the Club shall be primarily managed by its Officers which shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and other Directors. Said Officers will also be considered to be members of the Board of Directors. In addition to its Officers, the Club may elect or appoint additional Directors to maintain the business and organization of the Club.

8.1 Qualifications and Expectations

A. Each member of the Board of Directors shall carry out their duties in a spirit of cooperation, keeping in mind that the program belongs to our youth. 

B. Each member should use their own initiative and imagination in fulfilling their duties
C. All Directors are required to attend the meetings of the Club
D. Each Director shall keep a notebook for meetings and report their progress at each meeting of the Board of Directors. E. Each member shall assist in conducting registrations.

8.2 Resignations, Removals, Designations, Vacancies

8.2.1 Resignations.
A Director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors, the President or Secretary. Such resignation shall take effect at the time of its receipt by the Board of Directors, the President or the Secretary, as the case may be, and the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

8.2.2 Removal
Any Director may be removed with or without cause at an annual members' meeting or at a special members' meeting called for such purpose, by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the Board of Directors present at such meeting.

8.2.3 Vacancies
A vacancy in any office, regardless of reason or cause, may be filled by the nomination of a new director and subsequent to the approval of the Board of Directors for the expired portion of the vacated term.

8.2.4 Designation
The Officers of the Club shall consist of the President of the Board of Directors, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and such Vice Presidents that are appointed by the Board of Directors from time to time. The Board of Directors of the Club may create such offices as in its judgment the business of the Club may require.

8.3 The President of the Board of Directors.
The President of the Board of Directors shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club. Subject to the control of the Board of Directors, the President shall have general supervision and control over the business and affairs of the Club. In general, the President shall perform all duties which are by law or custom incident to such office, and such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned to the President by the Board of Directors. The President's duties shall also consist of, but not be limited to:

A. Uphold and enforce the Constitution and By-laws of Schererville Soccer Club.
B. Coordinate and represent the entire soccer program of the Schererville Soccer Club.
C. Conduct monthly meetings of the Board of Directors on a regular basis to assure the quality and timeliness of the responsibilities completed by and for the Club. Call special meetings of the Board as scheduled or deemed necessary.
D. Assist in selecting people to fill non-elected positions.
E. Pass on knowledge or information from previous years to administrative personnel.
F. Assist in all registrations and drafts.
G. Represent the Club, its Board, members, and teams in meetings with other soccer clubs, associations, or organizations.
H. Act as authorized agent in the execution of any bonds, contracts, or other instruments which the Board of Directors have duly authorized and approved to be executed, except where signing and executing has been assigned to any other officer according to these By-laws.

8.4 Vice-President.
The Vice-President shall uphold and support all the functions of the office of President:
A. In the event of the President's absence or disability, the Vice-President shall preside and carry on the duties of the President.
B. The Vice-President shall have primary responsibility for scheduling and coordinating all registrations and the drafts.
C. The Vice-President shall also be the President's liaison to all committee's and shall report to the President.
D. Coordinate a year-end financial audit of all records, receipts, disbursements, and bank accounts as maintained by the Treasurer with assistance from an independent outside resource.

8.5 Secretary.
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors and shall record, or cause to be recorded, accurate minutes of such meetings. The Secretary shall attend to the proper issuance of all notices of the Club and shall have custody of the minute books of the Club. In general, the Secretary shall perform all duties which are by law or custom incident to such office, and such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned to the Secretary by the Board of Directors or the President. The Secretary's duties shall also consist of, but not limited to:

A. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the Board.
B. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings when directed by the President.
C. The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence as directed by the President and the Board of Directors.
D. Shall send letters of appreciation to all sponsors and patrons.

8.6 Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the corporation. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody, and be responsible for, all funds of the corporation, and shall deposit such funds in such depositories as shall be selected by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall receive and faithfully account for all funds of the Club and shall render to the President, whenever requested and as good accounting and tax practices may require, an account of all financial transactions of the Club and of the financial condition of the Club. In general, the Treasurer shall perform all the duties incident to the office, and such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Board of Directors or the President. The Treasurer's duties shall include, but not be limited to:

A. The Treasurer shall collect all funds due the Club and make disbursements for payment of all obligations as authorized by the Board.
B. The Treasurer shall keep a suitable set of books and shall submit monthly statements to the Board of Directors and a year-end statement covering all receipts and expenditures as well as a current Balance Sheet.
C. Maintain accurate and complete records of all amounts owed to the Club from any individual or entity and actively promote and participate in the timely collection of any such receivable amounts.
D. Shall prepare and cooperate in an independent year-end audit of all financial records and transactions maintained by the Treasurer as related to Club matters.
E. Shall cooperate and participate with the Director of Concessions and Director of Sponsors to ensure the appropriate accounting for all of their related activities.

8.7 Duties of Other Directors.
In addition to the Executive Board, the Club may elect or appoint additional Directors to maintain the following responsibilities and authority. These additional Directors shall function as a team with the Executive Board to promote the goals and purpose of the Club. If it is not possible to elect or select individuals for these additional Directorships then it shall be the responsibility of the remaining Directors to make reasonable efforts to divide, share, assign, or otherwise cause the completion of these responsibilities.

8.7.1 Commissioners.
1. Commissioners shall be the liaison between all coaches in the respective commissioner's division and the Board of Directors.
2. Commissioners will represent the coaches, assistant coaches, and other Club members within their respective division as regards all matters of the Club
3. Shall receive and distribute uniforms, game balls, and other Club equipment and shall be responsible for collecting and securing all same equipment immediately upon the conclusion of each soccer season.
4. Shall distribute, or cause to be distributed, printed materials to coaches and members as directed by the Board of Directors.
5. Shall be responsible for the recruitment, selection, development, and mentoring of coaches and assistant coaches for every team in their respective division.
6. Shall coordinate and conduct the draft in their division according to the parameters established by the Club.
7. Shall maintain schedules and allocate all team practice times and game times at locations as designated by the Board of Directors.
8. Shall maintain team standings and player assessments as applicable for each age group ensuring the timely and accurate completion of all player evaluations.
9. Shall organize and conduct tournament/s within their division during the Fall season or as directed by the Board.

8.7.2 Director of Fields and Equipment.
1. The Director of Fields and Equipment shall locate, plan, and prepare all practice and playing fields.
2. The Director of Fields and Equipment shall enlist volunteers with the cooperation of commissioners to help prepare and maintain all fields including the supervision and coordination of the initial set-up, lay-out, and preparation of all fields at the beginning of each season.
3. The Director of Fields and Equipment shall establish and maintain a good relationship with the Department of Parks and Recreation for the towns of Schererville, St. John, and any other entity which has any authority over the fields and locations that the Club uses for practices and games.
4. Shall procure and distribute sufficient quantities of balls and other practice equipment for all coaches through the cooperation of the commissioners.
5. Shall identify supply requirements then procure and maintain sufficient quantities of all game, practice, field, and related equipment as needed and approved by the President or Board of Directors.
6. Shall collect, inventory, inspect, store, and provide reasonable security of all Club equipment at the end of each season.
7. Shall provide a projected budget and list of all anticipated supply needs at least 30 days prior to the start of each season or as otherwise requested by the President or
Board of Directors.
8. Shall coordinate and maintain practice and game schedules from soccer teams or groups outside of the Schererville Club and help ensure that all such outside interests have received specific Club permission for use of same.
9. Shall routinely inspect all fields, goals, nets, playing surfaces, storage facilities and all related Club property to ensure the proper working condition and best possible safety conditions for the Club and its members.

8.7.3 Director of Referees.
1. The Director/s of Referees shall be responsible for the solicitation, selection, and assignment of all referees for all in-house Club games and tournaments.
2. Shall be responsible for the training and development of all referees to ensure their competency in the regular rules and regulations as documented in the most recent rule-book for soccer as distributed by SAY.
3. Shall be accountable for tracking, requisitioning, and payment of all fees owed to referees in compliance with the financial guidelines established by the President or Board of Directors and administered by the Treasurer.
4. Shall provide budgetary information including estimates of all fees and referee-related expenses prior to the start of each season or as otherwise requested by the President or Board.
5. Will be responsible for the objective reporting, to the President, of any action, comment, or gesture by any player, coach, assistant coach, referee, or spectator that is not in compliance with the Club's expressed constitution to provide and maintain an environment of good sportsmanship.

8.7.4 Director of Coaches and Training.
1. The Director/s of Coaches and Training shall be responsible for maintaining age-appropriate guidelines for youth soccer training and development of coaches as established by the Director/s and approved by the Board of Directors.
2. Shall develop youth soccer training programs, clinics, and sessions utilizing internal Club resources or third party resources subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
3. Shall develop or cause to be available and informed, training programs, clinics, events, etc. utilizing internal Club resources or third party resources subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
4. Shall coordinate and manage any and all tryouts as may be conducted for any Club team.

8.7.5 Director of NWISL.
1. The Northwest Indiana Soccer League (hereinafter referred to as "NWISL") Director shall be the Club liaison to the Northwest Indiana Soccer Association.
2. Shall attend or secure Club representation at all meetings of the NWISL and vote in that organization on behalf of the Club.
3. Shall share information and communicate to the Club, on a timely basis, as regards all activities of the NWISL, including registration, tournaments, game and field schedules, rules and all other matters pertaining to Indiana youth soccer.
4. Shall develop schedules and coordinate field requirements for the "home" games of all Club teams that participate in the NWISL including all regularly scheduled games, tournaments, make-up games, and other special NWISL activities.
5. Shall coordinate the procurement and distribution of all supplies, equipment, and uniforms as required for the Club's teams that travel and compete within the NWISL.

8.7.6 Director of Sponsors.
1. The Director of Sponsors is responsible for the coordination and execution of strategies and activities pertaining to the solicitation of sponsors and potential sponsors as well as the collection of all sponsor pledges.
2. Shall prepare formal reports of such strategies and the results of such activities as requested by the President or the Board and present same.
3. Shall assist the Club Treasurer to ensure the proper accounting of all pledge and
sponsorship moneys.
4. Shall acquire names, logos, and all other necessary information in coordination with the preparation of uniforms and printed materials.
5. Shall coordinate the publication and distribution of any Club program, guide, newsletter, etc. as approved by the Board of Directors.

8.7.7 Director of Concessions.
1. The Director of Concessions shall be responsible for any concessions, the sale of any merchandise, or any other retail sales activity as approved by the Board of Directors.
2. Shall secure and schedule volunteers and other personnel as needed to adequately handle the above responsibilities.
3. Shall be responsible for the coordination and completion of basic cleaning and maintenance of concession facilities and equipment.
4. Shall be responsible for the inventory, procurement, and control of any supplies, concession products, and any and all merchandise to be sold.
5. Shall be responsible for the proper security and accounting of all concession-related revenues and expenses in cooperation with the Club Treasurer including the maintenance of a "cash box" or similar device to provide resources for all monetary concession transactions.

8.7.8 Director of Uniforms and Pictures.
1. The Director of Uniforms and Pictures shall be responsible for coordinating the purchase and distribution of uniforms for all appropriate non-traveling teams and shall be responsible for photographic or related video activities.
2. Shall solicit, secure, and analyze bids for uniforms and photographic or related media on an annual basis and shall prepare and share all such information with the Board for the purposes of obtaining consensus approval.
3. Shall be responsible for the procurement of all needed uniforms, photography vendors, or other related needs as approved by the Board of Directors.
4. Shall coordinate the shipping, delivery, and distribution of all uniforms to respective Commissioners, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, or similarly-designated individuals.
5. Shall coordinate the accurate and timely scheduling for all teams, players, and other Club members participating in photographic or related media activities.

8.7.9 At Large.
1. At-Large Directors, where and when so elected, may be assigned special projects or assist other Directors as needed.


9.1 Nominating Committee
The Board of Directors shall appoint a nominating committee by May 15 of the current year. The membership of the Club shall be advised of the appointment of the nominating committee and the date of the election at a "Regular" meeting of the Club. The nominating committee will be requested to recommend potential candidates for Board of Director's positions. The nominating committee shall then present the names of the recommended candidates to the Secretary for the printing of ballots.

9.1.1 Nominations from the Floor.
In addition to nominations formally recognized on said ballot forms, prepared by the Secretary, nominations from the floor will also be accepted and included for voting consideration on the designated date and at the place voting is held.

9.1.2 All Other Nominations
All nominations for positions within the Board of Directors may be selected from any member of the Club.

9.2 Elections

9.2.1 Time and Place of Elections.
Elections will be held at the annual meeting on the second Wednesday of June.

9.2.2 Simple Majority
Candidates receiving a simple majority, as tabulated from the voting ballots, shall constitute the new Board of Director's for the Club and take office at the conclusion of the meeting during which the elections are held.

9.2.3 Determination of Specific Positions
Nominations and elections are designed to determine the pool of members who will become the new Board of Directors and will not be structured in a manner to elect each specific Board position. The Office of President, other Officer positions, and all remaining board positions will be determined by the mutual agreement and acceptance of those so nominated and elected to the Board in such non-specific manner.

9.2.4 One Office Only
No more than one office may be held by the same person nor may more than one office be held by individuals of the same immediate family.

9.2.5 Counting of Ballots
Formal counting and auditing of all Ballot results shall be conducted by the current President and at least one other current Board Member but must be conducted in an open forum whose attendance is known and available to all Club members.

9.3 Term of Office
The length of office for various positions within the Board of Directors shall vary so as to provided continuity and consistency for the goals and philosophies of the Club.

9.3.1 President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer
The Officers of the Club, namely the Board of Director's positions known as and herein defined as President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected on the basis of a one-year term. Individuals elected for these four positions shall not be limited to a maximum number of consecutive terms.

9.3.2 Other Board of Director's Positions
All positions, excepting those specifically listed in Section 9.3.1 shall also be elected for a one-year term. Each individual so elected to one of the Other Board of Director Positions shall not be limited to a maximum number of consecutive terms.


10.1 Execution of Negotiable Instruments.
All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the corporation, shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the corporation and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.

10.2 Execution of Deeds, Contracts, etc.
The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name and on behalf of the corporation and such authority may be confined to specific instances.

10.3 Finances.
The Board of Directors of the Club shall decide all matters pertaining to the day-to-day finances of the corporation.

10.4 Loans.
No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the Club and no evidence of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors. Such authority may be general or confined to specific matters.

10.5 Deposits.
All funds of the Club not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the Club in such banks, trust companies or other insured depositories as the Board of Directors may select.

10.6 Books and Records
The Club shall keep correct and complete books of account and minutes of the proceedings of its members and directors. All such books, records and lists of the Club shall be open to inspection and examination during reasonably-scheduled times for all proper purposes by every member of the Club, or their duly authorized agent or attorney. Upon the written request of any such member the most recent annual financial statements of the Club, showing in reasonable detail its assets and liabilities and the results of its operations, will also be made available.

10.7 Conflicts of Interest
No member of the Board of Directors may participate in any discussion or vote in any matter that may directly affect or involve themselves, a member of their immediate or extended family, business associate, or other individual known personally to them. Nor shall any member of the Board of Directors participate or vote on any matter that may affect or involve any business, association, organization, team, or other entity with which they may be, may have been, or might in the reasonably foreseeable future be in any way connected.


The By-laws may be altered or amended by the Board of Directors at any meeting if notice of the intention to consider changes in the By-laws is contained in the notice of such meeting or if such notice is waived by all members of the Board either in writing or by simple majority agreement at the meeting.


12.1 501 (c) Status.
Any and all assets of the Club are permanently dedicated to exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provisions of future laws). The Corporation shall not be operated for pecuniary profit and shall have no capital stock and shall make no distribution of dividends to its members, directors, or persons having a private interest in the activities of the Corporation, except that the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the Constitution and By-laws of this Corporation.

12.2 Politics.
No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall include the participation in any propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in, including the publishing or distribution of statements, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for any public office.

12.3 Dissolution.
In the event the Club is dissolved, the Board of Directors shall pay, satisfy and discharge all liabilities and obligations of the corporation or make adequate provisions therefore and distribute all remaining assets of the Corporation to an organization or organizations engaged in activities substantially similar to those of the Club and organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at that time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of future law).


13.1 Selection of Coaches
The Club reserves the right to establish certain policies and parameters for the selection, approval and assignment of coaches. To further the quality of soccer experience for our children the Club recognizes the importance of properly selecting, guiding, and training all coach volunteers. Qualifications and considerations for coaching selection shall include, but not be limited to, factors such as: previous coaching experiences, length of Club membership, participation in Board of Directors responsibilities, licensing level, and objective evaluative feedback from other Club members. In matters where selection or qualification criteria are similar the President of the Club shall have the authority to finalize a selection.


14.1 Code of Ethics for Coaches
A specific code of ethics has been developed and formally adopted as a part of the Bylaws of the Club to clearly communicate the Club's strict requirement that the conduct and demeanor of all coaches, assistant coaches, and others involved in any way with the supervision or administration of players always reflects courtesy, good sportsmanship, and professionalism as well as ethical and moral behavior. Violation of any aspect of this code will be subject to the disciplinary procedures established by the Club up to and including the separation of coaching and Club membership privileges.

14.1.1 Responsibility to Players
A. The Coach must never place the value of winning over the safety and welfare of players. Winning should only be promoted as a result of preparation and teamwork not as an individual achievement or an end in itself.
B. Coaches shall instruct and ensure that players play according to the philosophies of
the Club and within the written laws and spirit of the game at all times.
C. Coaches shall never seek unfair advantage by failing to allow every player to participate in at least one-half of each game, by substituting un-registered players, or by allowing unsportsmanlike behavior in any form.
D. Coaches must take proactive corrective action at any time when they observe any form of inappropriate behavior from any player, parent, spectator, or other party to any Club game or practice.
E. Coaches must always direct players to seek proper medical attention for injuries and to follow the physician's instructions regarding treatment and recovery. At no time should a player be put at risk by returning from injury prematurely or by being forced to play while injured.

14.1.2 Responsibility to the Club
A. Adherence to all Club rules and policies as well as the Soccer Association for Youth, the U.S. Youth Soccer Association, and the Northwest Indiana Soccer Association, especially those regarding eligibility, team formation, and player participation may never be violated. It is the responsibility of every coach to know and understand these rules.
B. Player development and the improvement of the player through coaching and participation is essential to the growth of the sport. The coach must always behave in such a manner that the principles, integrity, and dignity of the sport are maintained.
C. Any problems that cannot be resolved between coaches, assistant coaches, members, or other individuals as regards matters of the Club must be referred to the Commissioner or other member of the Board of Directors as soon as possible and must never interfere with any Club activities or in any way be conducted in a manner that is not in keeping with the express philosophies and purposes of the Club.

14.1.3 Responsibility to the Laws of the Game
A. Coaches should be knowledgeable with the laws of the game of soccer. Coaches are also responsible to ensure that their players understand the intent as well as the application of the rules. B. Coaches must always adhere to the letter and spirit of the laws of the game. C. Coaches are responsible for their player's actions on the field and must not permit to violate this Code of Ethics or the philosophies of this Club. D. The coach must strive constantly to teach good sporting behavior.

14.1.4 Responsibility to Officials
A. Officials must always have the support of coaches, players, members, and spectators. Criticism of officials undermines the purpose of the game. Coaches must always refrain from and encourage all others to refrain from criticizing officials in the presence of players. B. Coaches should strive to develop communication with officials giving each party an opportunity to better understand the problems relating to their specific area and provide an example to players of the benefits of mutual cooperation. C. On game day, officials should be treated with respect before, during, and after the game. Officials should be addressed politely and courteously. Professional respect should be mutual and there should be no demeaning dialogue or gesture between official, coach, member, or player. Coaches may never incite players or spectators or attempt to disrupt the flow of play. D. Constructive comments or appropriate feedback regarding any official should be made in writing and submitted to the respective Age Commissioner or the Director of Referees.

14.1.5 Game Day and Other Responsibilities
A. A coach's behavior must be such as to bring credit to him/herself, the team, our Club, and the sport of soccer. This is never more evident than on the day of the contest. B. Rival coaches should meet prior to the game and exchange friendly or professional greetings. While the concept of competition is recognized, it cannot take precedence over exemplary professional conduct. C. During play, coaches have a responsibility to be as inconspicuous as possible.
Coaches shall exhibit a respectful attitude towards all players. The coach must confine him/herself to an area not closer than ten feet to the mid-point of the playing field nor closer than twenty feet to the end line. The attitude of the coach towards officials, spectators, members, and all players should be controlled and undemonstrative. D. It shall be unethical and subject to discipline for a coach to have a verbal altercation with an opposing coach, bench, official, or player during the game. Physical contact in any form is considered highly unethical and subject to the disciplinary processes of the Club. E. Coaches shall cooperate with Commissioners to provide for the adequate preparation and maintenance of all fields and playing surfaces as assigned or requested.

14.2 Code of Ethics for Parents/Guardians
Parents/Guardians should understand that the main objective of our Club is to provide an atmosphere of safe, recreational fun that includes the proper examples for our children. The spirit of the game must always reflect good sportsmanship. Coaches, referees, and parents/guardians have a tremendous responsibility to promote this spirit at games and the cooperation of all participants and spectators is vital.

14.2.1 Game Day and Other Responsibilities
A. All spectators will recognize the authority of the referees, coaches, and assistant coaches in maintaining the spirit of the game on the field of play prior to, during, and immediately following a game. B. Parents/guardians watching on the sideline should sit quietly on the side and not raise their voices in anything but positive encouragement. C. Foul or abusive language as well as derogatory acts and comments that are directed towards the referee, coaches, players, or any other spectator/s will not be tolerated. D. Parents/Guardians/Spectators will not argue or dissent with referee decisions. Furthermore they will not make statements or engage in other actions that could incite others. E. All non-playing participants to any soccer game shall remain at least five feet back from the touchline and no closer than 10 yards to either goal line. F. The referee, coach, or any Board Member has the authority to dismiss from the field of play anyone, including spectators, parents, or guardians, who do not adhere to these rules or other reasonable expectations of good behavior.

14.2.2 Parent's Code of Conduct
A. Children have more need of example than criticism B. Athletic participation for all children should be a positive non-stressful experience. C. Always attempt to relieve the stress of competition, not increase it. D. The opponents are necessary friends. Without them your child could not participate. E. Applaud and compliment good plays by your team and by members of the opposing team. F. Do not openly question an official's judgment or decision. Officials are symbols of fair play, integrity, and good sportsmanship. G. Accept the results of each game. Encourage children to be gracious in victory and turn defeat into victory by working toward improvement. H. Remember that children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment, not ours. I. Teach children that honest effort is as important as victory so that the results of each game are accepted without undue disappointment.


The Schererville Soccer Club, Inc., its members, and Board of Directors has agreed to adopt the following policy for discipline and due process for the purpose of promoting good sportsmanship, "Fair Play", safety of our players, player development, and the spirit of the laws of the game. The Schererville Soccer Club, Inc. is a proponent of the Soccer Association for Youth (SAY) and the U.S. Youth Soccer Association (USYSA) standards and philosophy of "Kids First" and the proper conduct and responsibilities of coaches,
spectators, and officials.

1. Violations of conduct will be heard and reviewed by a Disciplinary Committee consisting of: the Commissioner (for that age group) or NWISL Representative (if travel), and the Director of Coaches and Training; the team coach will participate if the violation of conduct involves parents.
2. Where sufficient evidence of violations exist, as determined by the Disciplinary Committee, specific penalties will be issued by the committee. Hearsay is not considered sufficient evidence.
3. Violations and corresponding progression of recommended penalties are as follows: common sense and fairness shall be the guide in decision-making.

Disciplinary Actions and Consequences:
A. Entering the field of play without permission of the referees or failure to remain in the technical area not closer than 10 feet to the mid-point or closer than 20 feet to the end line or the failure of spectators to remain on appropriate side at least one yard off touchline and between penalty box lines:
      1. Warning
     2. Caution
     3. Ejection from the game and stoppage of play until departure from the field
     4. One game suspension

B. Threatening or Unsportsmanlike actions or words towards players, officials, spectators or members of the Club
     1. Two game suspension

C. Abusive language to an official
     1. Ejection from the game and stoppage of play until departure from the field
     2. Second offense is a two game suspension

D. Aggressive physical contact with any player, referee, or Club member (e.g., grabbing the arm, poking, bumping, pushing, twisting, etc.)
     1. Ejection from the game and stoppage of play until departure from the field plus a two-game suspension
     2. Second offense is expulsion from the Club.

E. Striking any player, official or Club member (e.g., kicking, slapping, punching, head-butting,. etc.)
     1. Immediate expulsion from the Club.

F. Refusal to depart the field after an ejection
     1. One game suspension plus forfeiture of the game if refusal involves a coach

G. Constant and excessive verbal harassment of the players, referee, or other officials:
     1. Warning
     2. Caution
     3. Ejection from the game and stoppage of play until departure from the field
     4. One game suspension

H. Instructing or allowing players to play in a dangerous or unsportsmanlike manner:
     1. Caution
     2. Ejection from the game and stoppage of play until departure from the field plus a two-game suspension
     3. Second offense is a five-game suspension

I. Playing an illegal player (e.g., not a registered member of the Club, a player of inappropriate age, a player already assigned to a different team)
  1. Forfeiture of game
  2. Suspension for at least one full season if such action was willful and deliberate

1. Disciplinary actions or consequences not fulfilled in the current season, due to timing, will carryover to the next season until satisfied. 2. These penalties and consequences apply to any member of the Club at any time and are not confined to games, playing fields, practice sessions, meetings etc. These consequences and penalties remain effective for any time, place, circumstances, or location when and where the interests of the Club are involved.
3. All coaches, spectators, and officials are subject to probation due to repeated or multiple warnings or cautions, or where deemed appropriate by the Disciplinary Committee.
4. A coach under probation will be placed on suspension for any of the above infractions.
5. Any member under suspension may not attend or participate in any game, practice, event, or function of the Club.
6. A coach under Expulsion is out of the Club indefinitely. An expelled coach may not act in any coaching, managerial, or supervisory capacity of any Club team. Reinstatement (after expulsion) may be made only after a favorable review by the Disciplinary Committee.
7. Repetitive instances of warnings, cautions, game ejection's, yellow cards, or red cards will result in the determination of formal disciplinary actions by the Officers of the Club up to and including expulsion.
8. In the event that an Officer or Director of the Club is involved in the investigation or consideration of any disciplinary actions, that member may not participate in the review process.
9. For the purposes contained herein, a "Warning" shall consist of a verbal notice of infraction and a "Caution" shall consist of a written notice of infraction.
10. Decisions by the Officers of the Club or the Board of Directors to affect a suspension, expulsion, or other temporary or permanent separation from Club membership will require written notification to person(s) involved via Certified or Registered mail.
11. Persons receiving ejection, suspension, or expulsion may appeal the committee decision to the Board of Directors during the next scheduled public meeting of the Board.
12. These penalties, disciplinary actions, and decisions of the Board of Directors and its Officers do not exclude the use of civil or criminal legal action and remedies by the Club or any injured member(s) or person(s).


Any member of the Club receiving an ejection, suspension, or expulsion, as determined by the Officers of the Club, may appeal the decision of the Officers before the entire Board of Directors of the Club during the next scheduled public meeting of the Board and shall be entitled to all procedures of due process.

1. Any complaint, appeal, or request for consideration for any disciplinary action must be submitted in writing within ten (10) days of the actual incident(s). Said written complaint or request must be as detailed and objective as possible and containing as many names and phone numbers as possible of all parties involved in or witnessing the incident(s).
2. Written complaints or requests for consideration must be delivered to one of the Officers of the Club or mailed to the current Post Office Box address of the Club.
3. Upon receipt of a written complaint or request for consideration of discipline the Officers of the Club shall contact all parties involved, within seven days, to announce the initiation of a formal disciplinary consideration and to inform all involved of the Club's existing procedures and policies regarding discipline and due process.
4. All parties directly involved in the specific complaint or appeal will be informed that a formal hearing of the complaint or appeal shall be held at the next regularly scheduled Board of Director's meeting including information as to the exact date, time, and place of the meeting. If the complaint or incident is of a gravely serious matter (i.e., the safety of any Club member) then a special meeting of the Board of Director's will be called and same parties shall be informed accordingly.
5. Subsequent to a formal hearing and public discussion with the entire Board of Directors, the Officers of the Club along with the respective commissioner and Director(s) of Coaches and Training, excluding any interested person(s) on such a committee, shall evaluate all of the information and testimony and reach a decision as to the appropriate disciplinary action, or non-action, in keeping with the established Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Procedures of the Club within three days.
6. The decision of the Officers, respective commissioner and Director(s) of Coaches and Training will be communicated in writing to all persons concerned.
7. Upon receipt of a formal decision, any dissatisfied party may file an appeal to this decision in writing to be delivered to an Officer of the Club or postmarked to the Club's current address within five days.
8. A second level of appeals and hearings will then be conducted before the entire Board of Directors at the date, time, and place of the next regularly scheduled meeting.
9. The entire Board of Directors then present at such regularly scheduled meeting, by simple majority vote, will render a decision within two days of this second hearing.
10. Circumstances, situations, or cases not covered within the code of ethics or disciplinary and due process procedures of the Club, specific to parties within the Club's In-House program only, may be appealed to the SAY National Review Board in writing with a check or money order for a $50.00, or currently applicable, fee.


This first amendment to the By-Laws of the Schererville Soccer Club, Inc as revised and adopted as of December 12, 1998 hereby modifies ARTICLE 9, Section 9.1, regarding the actions of the nominating committee. By formal motion and unanimous vote at the regularly scheduled Club meeting of August 12, 1999 the Board of Directors shall be required to appoint a nominating committee by September 15th of the current year.

This first amendment to the By-Laws of the Schererville Soccer Club, Inc as revised and adopted as of December 12, 1998 shall also modify ARTICLE 9, Section 9.2, Sub-section 9.2.1 regarding the time and place of elections. The election of officers will no longer be held at the last meeting of each fiscal year. Effective October 14, 1999 the election of officers will henceforth occur at the regularly scheduled Club meeting held in October of each calendar year, normally the second Thursday of October.


This amendment to the By-Laws of the Schererville Soccer Club, Inc as revised and adopted as of December 12, 1998 hereby modifies ARTICLE 5, Section 5.2, regarding minimum player age and seasons. By formal motion and majority vote at the regularly scheduled Club meeting of February 13, 2003 the following sections have been modified from:

5.2 Organization Year: Seasons shall consist of both a “Fall” and “Spring” Soccer Season beginning any time after July 31st, and March 31st respectively, or as established by the Board of Directors.

To read as follows:

5.2 Organization Year: Seasons shall consist of a “Fall”, “Spring” and “Indoor” Soccer Season beginning any time after July 31st, March 31st and October 31st respectively, or as established by the Board of Directors.


This amendment to the By-Laws of the Schererville Soccer Club, Inc as revised and adopted as of December 12, 1998 hereby modifies ARTICLE 9 , Section 9.2 Elections, Sub-section 9.2.4, regarding members of the same family. By formal motion and majority vote at the regularly scheduled Club meeting of September 11, 2003 Section 4 has been modified from:

9.2.4. One Office Only: No more than one office may be held by the same person nor may more than one office be held by individuals of the same immediate family.

To read as follows:

9.2.4. One Office Only: No two members of the same family shall be members of the Executive Board at the same time nor may any one member hold more than one Board position at the same time.
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